
2024 Event Speaker

Andy Guile, Master Coach & Trainer, Ask Andy Guile

12.30pm: The not so secret world of Business Duck Herding

Fed up of being busy, but not productive?

Does it feel like your ducks are out of control and the business seems to run your life?

This session will help you take a step back and concentrate on the basics of your business, the 5 major pillars that success are built on.

It’s time to retake control, learn how to get those ducks in a row and have a productive controlled business that works for you and not you working for it!

About Andy Guile

Andy Guile aka the Business Duck Herder is the go to International business coach and trainer for small business.

Andy’s no nonsense approach to concentrating on the basics of business is making a real difference to clients as they uncomplicate their daily routine, identify productive procedures and get rid of bad habits that take time and effort but produce no results.

Basically getting your business ducks in a row will transform your business and Andy can help you achieve it.

Andy Guile – the go to business coach for small business owners –

Book your free places at this session now

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