2023 Exhibitors

Tommy’s Pregnancy & Parenting at Work Charity

Web: www.tommys.org

Phone: 07872 691 173

Twitter: @tommys

Facebook: @tommys

Instagram: @tommys

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tommy’s/

About Tommys Pregnancy & Parenting at Work Charity

Tommy’s is a Charity focused on supporting SME’s through Pregnancy and Parenting at work.

Whilst most companies have a good handle on maternity leave, few understand how they should manage pregnancy at work and parents returning to work and even less are equipped to deal with baby loss or complications.

Our e-learning platform is designed to plug that gap from an employee and compliance perspective. We will be offering our platform free of charge to all Manchester Based SME who sign up at the Expo.

Each year there are over 1 million pregnancies in the UK. 60% of those women will leave the workplace within a year of returning to work. The most common reason is that they didn’t feel supported at work. This costs a company tens of thousands of pounds.


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